Monday, May 11, 2020

8 LinkedIn Features You Need to Know About - CareerAlley

8 LinkedIn Features You Need to Know About - CareerAlley 8 LinkedIn Features You Need to Know About - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Unfortunately, LinkedIn often seems to be ignored or it is at least not as noticed as its siblings from the social network family, namely Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. Many people do not open a LinkedIn account simply because it is not as fun to spend time there as it is to spend time on Facebook, for instance. However, these people are obviously forgetting one major thing. What they are forgetting is that no other social network can be even compared to LinkedIn when it comes to business purposes and creating a professional network. Therefore, when you come across LinkedIn the next time, try to create a profile and see what this social network has to offer. The 8 Features You Simply Have to Use on LinkedIn LinkedIn is packed full with amazing features, many of which you probably didnt hear about even if you are a LinkedIn users. These awesome features are exactly what makes LinkedIn stand out, and if you start using this professional social network any time soon, here are the features you should definitely not miss out on: Https browsing You will probably benefit from using this feature when using LinkedIn on public computers or with Wi-Fi connections that are not secured. By going to Settings, Account, and Manage Security Settings, you can choose to use a secure connection while using LinkedIn. This might not sound like much, but it is a very important feature for those who would want to keep their LinkedIn profile private and their information safe. Stealth browsing Not to be mistaken for the previous feature, stealth browsing is for situations in which you do not want other LinkedIn users to see you have been viewing their profile. Even though LinkedIn would lose all meaning if everybody did this, it is obvious that stealth browsing can be very practical in many different situations. InMaps In spite of the fact that it can be used just for fun, this feature is actually very handy in some cases. Namely, InMaps is used to give you a world map, with lines leading from you to all your connections. Lines are colored differently according to the type of relationship you have with each of your connections. Exporting connections You can have all of your LinkedIn connections even outside of LinkedIn. This means that you can easily export all of your LinkedIn connections and create an address book to have with you all the time. You can choose between a .CSV and .VCF type of file. This is handy for people who have a lot of active business connections, as updating their address book will be a breeze with this LinkedIn feature. DropIn If you enjoy a little relaxing every now and then, this game is the perfect thing to do when you get tired of browsing LinkedIn. Namely, this is a game similar to Tetris, only with the faces of your contacts being on the shapes you have to stack up. Whats more, you can even click the faces and see what your connections are up to, as the game can be paused at any time. SpeechIn iPhone users will be delighted to find out that this app can help them stay up to date with all the headlines from LinkedIn Today without needing to read at all. Namely, after you are logged in to your LinkedIn profile, you just have to click the blue flame button, and your phone will start reading the newest headlines from LinkedIn Today to you. Job Seeker Premium Even though it is a paid service that will cost you a minimum of $19.95 on a monthly basis, this feature is amazing. You will get a Job Seeker badge on your profile, InMail, and 10 introductions to companies who might be your future employers. In addition to this, you will also automatically move to the top of the list of applicants when you apply for a job through LinkedIn. $19.95 seems a reasonable price for all of this, dont you think? Talent Finder This is pretty much the same feature as the previous, only the other way around. This is where employees pay $40 per month for LinkedIn to help them find the perfect employee for their job opening. More 5 Tips for Creating a Professional Bio on LinkedIn It is important to mention that these have been only eight of the many, many LinkedIn features that you are strongly advised to check out. With the exclusion of the last two, all of them are free of charge, and even the last two are well worth the money invested. If you are using your LinkedIn to gain more contacts and self promote yourself and the business you work for then why not get some instant print business cards. This is an excellent way to create even more contacts and to push further in your career. 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